
Outboard Motor Repowering

Suzuki Repower Mastry Engine Center

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Over 35 Years of Experience


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Northwest Florida's Repower Specialist

Sometimes it is more prudent to invest in a new outboard motor than to spend money for outboard motor repairs. Custom Marine Service LLC's impeccable reputation is built around providing you with an honest assessment of where you stand with your present outboard motor issue and what options you may have other than repairing your outboard motor.

Dependable Inspections

Are you stuck trying to decide whether you should repower or repair your outboard motor? With us, all of your questions will be answered and the best possible solution for you will be determined. Contact us today to see what your options are. We're conveniently located in Panama City, FL.

What Is Repowering?

Schedule an appointment to make sure your marine equipment gets the proper care and repairs it needs. Call us to get your quote today!

Outboard Motor Inspections

Call us to get a quote!

(850) 872-9191

I am amazed at the new Stott Craft Boats JR and Ronnie are selling! Before you buy a boat, don’t make a price mistake, these boat packages are the lowest in the boating industry, but very high quality.

- David

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Custom Marine Service LLC

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